Dec 24, 2006

Dec 23, 2006

12-22 tofu, pop corn chicken

forgot to take pics before i ate
pita bread chips, and some 5 spice tofu stew, a little bit of kfc popcorn chicken bits

12-21 cpk sicilian pizza

California pizza kitchen thin crust sicilian pizza

12-20 tempura and tomago tofu

saute tempura, and tomago (egg) tofu, green onions on top

12-19 wonton soup w/ an egg

same wonton soup, with egg drop

12-18 wonton soup

wonton soup with napa cabbage

12-17 after ski KFC

off ski run blvd, k. fried chicken

12-16 ribs

kalani's restaurant in south lake tahoe. after ski. very soft rib, veggie tempura topping, broccoli

12-15 kfc

I-5 KFC to lake tahoe ski

12-14 quiche

yoga nite
molly stone before yoga, left over quiche

Dec 15, 2006

12-13 cpk at hillsdale

california pizza kitchen lettus wraps with chicken
comes with lettus cups

12-12 chimichanga

2 more chimichangas from trader's joe's box
chinese green onion pan cake with indian paneer cheese on top

12-11 quiche 2

more quiche eggroll with tomatoe, spinach, olives, mt tam cheese salad

12-10 quiche

i had extra whipped cream left
i made quiche, lots of them. i will be eating quiche over the next few days
the recipe. i added pillsberry dough boy croissant skin for tops

12-09 white elephant party at my house

stuff people have brought, plus stuff i've made i made: thai chicken salad, japanese tempura fish cake broth, cous cous in fried tofu skin, ikea style meatball cheese sauce w/ meatballs. i bought mt tam cheese,

12-08 burned broccoli

burned broccoli Chimichanga -- small fried burrito from trader joe's frozen food section

Dec 8, 2006

12-07 doug's b day at thai time

dinner at thai time in san carlos. i forgot camera. pics are off the web. i ordered siam chicken (good).
also ordered spicy lemon grass soup (came super spicy)

12-06 nini's cafe

huge lunch left over at nini's cafe. i ordered sloppy joe with spaniche scrambled with eggs. i forgot to take a pic.

12-05 sherpherd pie

went to market one at the ferry plaza in SF and bought a bunch organic veggie, beef. i baked sherpherd pie
bacon bits on top of potatoe

12-04 wonton soup

more wonton soup, but forgot to take a picture. same pic from 2 days ago

12-03 more asparagus again

asparagus, prosciutto
chinese shanghai kaw-fu and green onion pancake

12-02 won ton soup

frozen won ton soup. wonton carried from iowa in the freezer.
soup with napa cabbage and egg drop

12-01 more asparagus

more grilled asparagus with italian sausage
croissant with prosciutto ham, guyer cheese

11-30 grilled esparagus

grilled esparagus, with some bread, other stuff...

11-29 cabbage 5

thai chicken salad with the last of the cabbage which was bought 3 weeks earlier

11-27 thai chicken salad

recipe from this link